LANDRACE was conceived by London bike-fitting pioneers Julian Wall and Phil Cavell. They established Cyclefit UK in 2003 and have gone on to become one of the most respected bike fitting companies in the world. Jules' specialist skills are working with elite and professional athletes. Phil works with cyclists who have complex medical issues and is the author of the Midlife Cyclist. They have worked with tens of thousands of cyclists over the decades to improve their efficiency, power and comfort, more than any other bike designers on the planet!

Jules with Richard Carapaz of Education First - Easypost

Cyclefit Bike Fitting

Midlife Cyclist Talk Series
As well as being the world’s busiest, most progressive and accomplished bike-fitting centre, Cyclefit has been a crucible of custom bike design for decades. For many years, Jules and Phil have collaborated with custom-fabrication industry leaders such as Ben Serotta (Serotta Cycles) and Rob Vandermark (Seven Cycles), to produce thousands of hand-made bicycles for discerning bike riders.
Ben and Rob are both obsessive perfectionists and restless design innovators and unforgiving teachers.
So, when Jules and Phil decided to design their own range of titanium bicycles, they had the unique opportunity to combine their own decades of pioneering work in the realm of bike-fitting, with an extensive materials and fabrication education from the finest professors on the planet.